Food & Health

Nigeria Launches World First Meningitis Vaccine

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The Federal Government of Nigeria, has launched a revolutionary vaccine against meningitis, which the World Health Organisation said was a world first.

Symptoms often include headaches, fevers, and stiff necks. Bacterial meningitis is the most serious and may result in septicemia or blood poisoning that can seriously disable or kill within 24 hours.

Report by W.H.O indicates that 153 people died during an outbreak of meningitis in Nigeria between October 1, 2023 and March 11, 2024

The minister of health , Professor Muhammad Ali Pate said particularly the states of Jigawa, Bauchi, and Yobe were badly hit by the deadly outbreak of meningitis

He noted that the new vaccine had the potential to change the trajectory of the disease, preventing future outbreaks and saving many lives and a step closer to the goal to eliminate meningitis by 2030.

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