Food & Health

Ondo NAWOJ Mobilises Mothers’ Support for Vaccination of Girls Against HPV

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The Nigeria Association of Women Journalists, Ondo state chapter has enjoined mothers in the state to present their girls, age 9-14yrs old for the ongoing Vaccination against cervical cancer caused by Human Papilloma Virus, HPV.

The Association in a statement signed by its Chairperson, Comrade Tola Gbadamosi and Secretary, Comrade Oluwatosin Ighoteguono, says the vaccine is certified safe and effective by the World Health organization and has been a product of scientific research for over 15 years in many developed and developing countries.

Ondo NAWOJ allays the fear of some parents regarding rumours about the HPV vaccine describing such as mere myths and misconceptions which should be discarded.

It observes that there is nothing as good as having female children who will not be wreaked by cervical cancer in future, urging parents to ensure that girls at the age gaps of the vaccine are made available for vaccination as health officials will be moving round schools and other strategic places with the vaccine.

It applauds the Ondo state government, the state ministry of health and the Primary Healthcare Development Agency for effectively engaging stakeholders on the HPV Vaccine before flagging-off the vaccination in the state.

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