
Right Division of the Word 6

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By Pastor Raphael Adegoke 

15 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15).

It is another beautiful day in the Lord’s presence; may we be wrapped in the beauty of His holiness. Amen! Last Tuesday, we considered Church culture as one of the things that often influence our interpretation of the Bible, but this week we shall be considering “Knowledge”.

One of the attributes of man is his ability to grow in knowledge, just as he can grow in wisdom. While wisdom is supernaturally endowed, knowledge is acquired. In fact, wisdom, though supernaturally imparted, is yet limited by knowledge in every individual that possesses it.

The division of God’s Word is sometimes not as easy as imagined. While wrong interpretation may require little or no efforts, right division requires a lot of efforts. This is one of the reasons we are admonished in the scriptures to study to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15).

Students of the Bible would know that even though the scripture is given by the inspiration of God (2 Tim. 3:18), yet it has got, approximately, about forty authors, and written over the course of 1,500 years.  These were men with different backgrounds, cultures, geographical locations, and spiritual dispensations.

Also, it would be noted that different books of the Bible have got different styles of writing. This is one of the reasons the books of the Old Testament are classified under the following: The Law,  Historical books, the Poetic books, the Major Prophets and the Minor Prophets, while the New Testament is classified into the Gospels, the Historical book (Acts of Apostles), Epistles (letters) and the Apocalypse (Revelation).

Each class of the books of the Bible has got its unique literary style and thereby requires unique method of interpretation. In fact, general knowledge of the human language makes us to understand that proverbs, poems and wise sayings are not interpreted literally. This same applies to the Bible which is written in the languages of men and for men, though inspired by the Holy Spirit, because the Bible would not make sense to man if it were written in the tongue of the Angels.

A Background knowledge of today’s discourse when reading, studying, teaching or preaching from the Bible would help us to have a clear understanding; but in a situation where this is not considered, a lot of errors will be committed while dividing the Word. For us to have been admonished by the scripture to study, it means efforts need to be made. Meanwhile, studying is not mere reading but detailed investigation of a subject or situation. Some of these we shall begin to consider from next week.

Pastor Raphael Adegoke is a Pastor in Christ Apostolic Church (Nigeria & Overseas) and a Lecturer in Christ Apostolic Church Theological Seminary.

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