
Right Division of the Word (10)

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By Pastor Raphael Adegoke 

15 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15).

It is another bright and beautiful day. May God cause us to enjoy the beauty of His Kingdom that He has delivered to us by grace. Last week, the emphasis was on “Motive”, but today we shall be focusing on “Divine Expectation” even as we draw the curtain on  this series.

Every job has got its demands and descriptions. This is without the exception of the Teaching Ministry. The ministry of the Word therefore is a sacred ministry that demands sacredness . The Word of God is sacred. In fact, God honours it above all His name. If there is any principle God would not compromise, it is the principle of not casting pearls before swine.  If God has admonished us in the scripture not to cast our pearls before swine, then it is evident that God would not do either.

The Word of God is a divine pearl that God would not release into anyone with the nature or attributes of swine. This shows us that anyone that will rightly divide the Word of Truth needs  a sanctified and consecrated life. This helps to avoid pollution and as well ensures the Word taught or preached carries the presence and the weight of God.

In addition, Right Division of the Word requires divine approval. “Study to show thyself approved unto God”. (2 Timothy 2:15). Seeking man’s approval or applause is a major source of disqualification before God. The Word is not man’s word and it is not preached for men, but God’s Word being preached for Him. With this understanding, we preach or teach the way He would have us do without apology to any man irrespective of position or status.

We need to be clear per time that what we speak is God’s direct Word. We must always make it clear where we make inferences or assumptions, and where we speak our own words, just as Apostle Paul would do. This will make us a faithful steward of the Word.

We must never think telling a people the truth will cause them more much harm than good. This is because the truth has its own inherent power to keep everyone to whom it is exposed without human interventions. Notwithstanding, we must be careful never to give solid food to babes and milk to adults. This can be detrimental. Where the effects of such act is noticed, it is not the devil’s work, but simple lack of wisdom or discernment, or immaturity on the part of a minister or a teacher.

The Word is not a tool for verbal war and neither is it a tool for self defence, self aggrandizement or propagation, but a tool for getting sinners saved and  established in  the Kingdom of God. Also,  a tool to bring the saints to maturity and to present the Church a spotless bride to Jesus when He returns. To get this done, labour is required.  Also, there must be willingness, openness, sincerity, humility for there to be Right Division.

As we draw the curtain on this series, I pray the Lord grants us the grace needed to become faithful stewards of His Word. Amen!

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