
Don’t Let Labours of Nigeria’s Past Heroes Go in Vain – Archbishop Akinfenwa Urges Politicians

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Bishop of Ibadan Anglican Diocese, the Most Rev’d Joseph Akinfenwa, on Friday, urged politicians not to let the labours and legacies of Nigeria’s past leaders go in vain.

Akinfenwa, gave the admonition in his sermon at a funeral service held for the late Emeritus Prof. Ayo Banjo, a former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ibadan(UI).

Banjo, who became emeritus Professor of English in 1997, died at the age of 90 years on May 24.

The cleric’s message, entitled: “Living heavenly life while on the earth” with the text from 1 Corinthians 15 verses 47-57, said Nigeria’s past leaders had worked tirelessly to ensure that they leave precious national legacies for the citizens.

He noted that a great deal of sacrifice had been put in place by past leaders to have a country called Nigeria today. The cleric added that the blood of many of them gave birth to today’s democracy in the country.

“Our politicians should know that it is the same democracy from past leaders’ efforts that opens opportunities to those who are in power today who are saying that their salaries should not be reduced, asking citizens to continue to manage while they themselves are not managing.

“Politicians in power must know that they are stewards, they must know that they are servants of the people and act as such.

“As leaders, we must listen to the people and ensure that the day to day governance reflects the genuine desire of the people. Politicians should listen to what people are saying and serve the people, not personal pockets, “he said.

The cleric added that the late VC worked a lot to ensure that University of Ibadan attain its present position. He urged the current administration in the university not to allow his labour to be wasted.

He noted that the late Banjo used over 35 years of his adult life in University of Ibadan and also served the university for many years as Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor noting that all his efforts must not be in vain.

“We must not be deceived by the gifts of this world and reject the giver of the gifts, we must be aware that it is appointed to a man to die once, after that is judgement, “he said.

The son of the late VC, Mr Tunde Banjo, described his late father as a person of exemplary character, and disciplined personality.

“He has gone but still lives in our memory. The younger generation can learn the spirit of focus he possessed to achieve anything they want in life. He got to the pinnacle of his career. Youths can learn from his positive attitude, with this, the sky’s the limit, “he said.

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