Discernment (8)
By Pastor Raphael Adegoke
For everyone who lives on milk is still an infant, inexperienced in the message of righteousness. 14 But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained their senses to distinguish good from evil.” (Heb 5:13-14).
Glory be to God the giver of life for the gift of life given to us to be alive to witness another beautiful day. May we receive grace for the right understanding of our purpose of existence! Amen. Last week we considered “The Human Mind”, but this week, we shall be considering “Time and Season”.
Oftentimes, the success of a farmer is not determined by hard work, skill or experience, but his ability to discern time and season. The scripture explains to us that there is time and season for every activity under Heaven (Eccl. 3:1-8). It is unfortunate that many ministries have crashed and many assemblies collapsed, not for lack of anointing or power, but for lack of discernment of time and season. It is always unfortunate that ministers blame the effect of this lack of discernment on the devil, enemies; and sometimes, God. This is highly pathetic.
Truly, Jesus says He will build His Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matt. 16:18). If there is any assurance we have, it is the assurance of ultimate victory for the Church. Notwithstanding, with such a statement from Jesus, it is also clear that there shall be militancy against the Church despite the assured victory. Meanwhile, every military engagement involves strategic planning, mapping, deployment, the use of the right weapons and the right approach, e.t.c. The assurance of victory does not mean exclusion from strategic planning. This could be seen in the lives Joshua and Caleb despite the divine assurance of the possession of the land God would deliver into their hands.
Jesus, being a master builder calls and appoints His ministers whom He often gives the oversight of His flock, the success of whom is largely influenced by their ability to manage such flock. The flock is comprised of individuals. These individuals can be members, workers, junior ministers or co-ministers.
Every individual that Christ has brought, He has given them a resource or resources for the Church. It is that which each supplies hat brings about the overall growth of the Church (Eph. 4:16). Each can thereby be likened to labourers in a construction site.
Some labourers’ expertise is foundation digging; some, foundation laying; some, bricks laying; some, roofing; some, wiring; some, painting; some, plumbing; some, tilling, e.t.c.
The ability of every minister to know the different spiritual labourers that God brings their way, the nature of the assignment He has brought them to fulfil and the timing of such assignment will go a long way to determining their success, even though Jesus’ ultimate victory is assured.
It is so unfortunate that self-centeredness, pursuit of personal goal or vision; quest for fame, power and wealth, personal empire building, e.t.c, often blindfolds many ministers and make them unable to see what God wants to do around them or through the abundant resources in men He brings around them per time.
Therefore, for any minster to succeed in life and ministry, he must have the ability to discern time and season. Making use of the right people at the wrong time and making use of the wrong people at the right time will spell doom. No season lasts forever! Also, every minister should know that while Christ will never fail they can fail, be displaced or replaced when the proper thing is not done at the proper time.
Pastor Raphael Adegoke is a Pastor in Christ Apostolic Church (Nigeria & Overseas) and a Lecturer in Christ Apostolic Church Theological Seminary.