
When Your King is a Child! – By Lanre Ogundipe

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The age long Ibadan cherished ascension to the throne of Olubadan of Ibadanland was last friday axed by Governor of Oyo State, Engineer Seyi Makinde, when he threw spanners into the works, to eventually scatter, and throw into abyss the enviable institution of the customs/ traditional hierarchical ascendancy to the throne Olubadan of Ibadanland.

The governor in what could be described as his own “self centered wisdom,” has deemed it fit, to assume that tampering with the age-long tradition, which has earned Ibadan and its people, much respect in Yorubaland, nay Nigeria and the diaspora, is the best crafted mode of ascension to the coveted throne of Olubadan, as the prescribed authority over the people.

Before now, the late Governor Isiaka Abiola Ajimobi (who Engr. Seyi Makinde once described as a failed Napoleon at the Obafemi Awolowo Stadium during the final burial of the immediate past Olubadan) had the audacity to first tampered with the structure which had survived the test of time for over a century with his creation of many Obas, without portfolios (no domains) amongst, the High Chiefs, who constitutes, the kingmakers – (Afobaje) in the Olubadan in Council. No governor either Military or civilian dared to tamper with this much cherished traditional arrangement, which has been a reference point, all over the world because it gives the opportunity to any indigene of Ibadanland to be an Olubadan.

The colonial masters, the Premiers, of the Western Region, both the late sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo and Chief Samuel Ladoke Akintola, Sir Adesoji Aderemi, the late Ooni

Ife and Dr. Moses Adekoyejo Majekodunmi -the Administrator during the West polical upheaval, as powerful as they were, never toyed with the Obaship Declaration of Ibadanland, which has been put in place since 1957. Not that they did not have the powers to do so, but because they were wise and matured, and because of their respect for tradition and customs of Yorubas particularly Ibadan and its people, they allow the system to thrive.

Also, these great men saw the method of ascension to the Olubadan stool as very unique, without controversy and without resulting into skirmishes between the royal families or even the family where the Oba is chosen and left it as it were, for its uniqueness.

Although Ajimobi tinkered with the system to satisfy few ambitious elements masquarading as blue blood personality who felt their status should be massaged and enhanced. The latter was so clever in handling the situation then, he did not touch the order of ascension. He displayed maturity and a sense of patriotism to the cause of Ibadanland, an indication that he was a thorough breed son of Ibadanland, despite his frailities..

He so much did it, in a way that would not cause distrust, acrimony and lack of confidence among the High Chiefs, who received his ”behind the Mapo hall” beaded crowns and even the real paramount ruler, which is the Olubadan was dignified. He designated them in a way that made the Olubadan title more distinct, and superior, than his created beaded crown Obas, with the nomenclature of the *Imperial Majesty* for the Olubadan, and their *Royal Highnesses,* for the beaded crown Obas in the Olubadan in Cabinet.

But Governor Makinde came and turned the whole system upside down without taking into consideration the likely fallouts and the aftermath consequences and the future of Ibadan and its kingship.

In the Bible, in the book of Lamentations says – “Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass, When the Lord has not commanded it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High That woe and well-being proceed?”

What Governor Makinde has done to those of us in Ibadan could best, be described as a show of arrogance, which portrays him as a person who has been so beclouded, with power.

Honestly, as a matter of fact, we are worried about, the incidents of the past, regarding the controversies that have been trialing the Olubadan stool, since the past, five years, the climax, which was immediately after the passage of Oba Lekan Balogun., Okumade II.

With the steps being taken presently, we would have preferred to seek other ways of communication with our Executive Governor, than resorting to an Open Letter which we are now doing but we have no choice, than to take this path to avoid any unwanted backlash. The governor these days, have refused to realise that he should exercise restraints that dignifiy his office – that his holding, in trust for the people, his present office who deserve to be respected and put into consideration, in whatever he does or actions taken on their behalf.

That is why, some of us and others, who are indigines of Ibadan are worried about the action of His Excellency at the coronations of the 43rd Olubadan Oba Owolabi Akinloye Olakulehin, by washing what he perceived as the dirty clothes, of his homestead in public, without even realizing that he was probably, the 27th person that would be on that exalted chair, right from the days Sir John Rankin, through the most cerebral and highly referred late sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Chief Sanuel Ladoke Akintola, Chief Bola Ige, Dr. Victor Omololu Olunloyo and few others who never in any manner descecrated the high stool of Olubadan, in public as they knew that Ibadan as the political headquarters of the entire Yoruba people, deserve to be honoured and respected.

They were cautious of the facts that Ibadan being the conglomerate of all tribes, the people therein deserve and must be treated with modicum of respect as subjects and public members.

To be sincere, we are still wandering, what could have gone amiss with our dear Governor to have chosen a public function presided over by himself, to launch a vendetta attack on the former governor of the state to distribute a backdated gazette to wedge a gulf between High Chief Rashidi Adewolu Ladoja’s ambition as the next in rank to the newly installed Olubadan from ascending the throne in future if God spares his life to become Olubadan by changing the clause in the supposedly old declaration, which reads: Section 4 of the 1957 Olubadan Chieftaincy Declaration stipulates that, “ The person who may be proposed as candidate by the Line whose turn it is to fill a vacancy in the office of the Olubadan shall be the most Senior (High) Chief in that Line.

But in __Section 4 of the new gazetted amendment to the law titled the New Olubadan Chieftaincy Declaration, the clause indicates “the most Senior (High) Chief in that Line” has been replaced with “the most Senior Beaded Crown Oba in that Line.”

“ The person who may be proposed as candidate by the Line whose turn it is to fill a vacancy in the office of the Olubadan shall be the most Senior Beaded Crown Oba in that Line…

This is why the action of the Governor is suspicious and we as indigenes of Ibadan are bold to let governor Makinde know that the choice of who becomes Olubadan rests with the people not the governor, agents or his privies, to enforce a jaundice decision over and above the collective decisions of Ibadan people.

This is not known in history, and that is the reason why the new insertion is capable of fostering confusion that may lead to further crisis if care is not taken. Ladoja move through the curves of the original 1957 declaration and not through the cancer invested/jaundice decisions in the bacdated gazette. Therefore,

Governor Makinde’s action is viewed as trying to fulfil the inordinate ambitions of some people outside his government through the bac door to settle personal scores of his masters.

The manner with which the attack was launched at the coronation of Oba Olakunlehin’s presentaion of staff of office, by inserting the backdated gazette in the Programme brochure of the events, which was distributed to dignatories, was still a big amazement to both the indigines and the visitors that came for the coronation.

The question is why would the Governor or his handlers pick such occasion to launch such attack on a day Ibadan people had guests around who had gathered from all over Nigeria and abroad, to celebrate the ascession of the new King to the throne of our fathers

The governor’s action begs for an answer because this can not be said to be boldness or being courageous to settle political scores in the height of presenting a new King to the public, in such a manner and in such a period.

Just like some people outside Ibadan commented, the governor’s action lacks maturity, which is capable of painting Ibadan and its people in bad light.

The pertinent question is also being asked, ” Should political scores be settled at the market square?” It is even baffling that Mr. Governor who just less than a month now pride himself, to say that Ibadan age-long traditions had been intact and nothing will alter it to now resorted to showing non Indigenes who for long have respected Ibadan traditions, especially, when it comes to the ascension into the Olubadan stool, know that all is still not well and that the governor has a bitter fight with someone who could be described as his mentor and father.

What the governor had done to us here in Ibadan, is an outright disrespect to Ibadan and its people and it is an abuse of customs and traditions of Ibadan and total disrespect of an elder, who is not just an elder in Ibadanland but a national figure and an elder statesman for that matter, who is highly respected nationally and all over the world, both in business and political circles. In addition, this elder statesman is the highest ranking chief in Ibadanland and a former governor who had been on the seat Governor Makinde is now occupying, many years ago.

If not for any other thing, it is believed that Senator and High Chief Rashidi Adewolu Ladoja deserves respect and honour as a former state helmsman from the incumbent, Engineer Makinde.

Politics or no politics, office of the Governor represents a fortress where citizens can run into for refuge, but when such is being abused or violated, the holder of such office stands condemned in all ramifications

Meanwhile, we have been thinking on the issue since it happened. What could be responsible? we finally drew wisdom from the writ again from a scriptural narrative Ecclesiastes 10:16-17 – ‘Woe to you, land, when your king is a child, and your princes eat in the morning Happy are you, land, when your king is the son of nobles, and your princes eat in due season, for strength, and not for drunkenness!’

The fist line note in this passage is the word Woe – Ecclesiastes 10:16-17 – when an opening statement starts with Woe it is always expedient to optimise attention to be given to the context – when the King is a child provides cautionary valves to leadeship – it provides wisdom about the impact of leadership on a nation, state or comunity’s well-being and the importance of moderation and wisdom in personal conduct. It serves as a reminder of the significance of wise and capable leaders and the influence of their behaviour on society.. but when a supposed leader of the people comes low in his subjects’ratings, that leaves much to be desired.

A leader must command respect and not beg to be respected. That is where the problem sets in. Why the thought of choosing the coronation to circulate a major paradigm change/shift of government policy in a clandestine manner instead of publicising it.? When you have a child as a king, he is bound, to stoop too low and lower the moral standards or engage in an act, that stripped off the nobility of the esteemed royal status.

Going down memory lane, one remembers a King who reigned, in the ancient town of Akure, in Ondo state, who usually visited Oba’s market to scatter and disrupt Peoples’ businesses and activities, by throwing their wares, into the street. He was eventually dethroned for playing God.

This is just a great lesson for whoever is at the helms of affairs and thinks he has the power to make him play God to tread softly. Only God knows what is in offing for each of us. He knows our tomorrow.

A similar exhibition is manifesting in the state already – an indication that there is a problem in the house, here in Ibadanland and the fire must be quickly doused and the situation addressed, by all of us who are indigenes and our friends, who meant well for us, who could as well see the danger ahead which we are also seeing.

That is why we are saying loud and clear that our governor, as a public figure, can’t afford to mix or handle official matters with the seemingly political differences an in all intent and purposes, It is not tidy, sir.

It is an ill-wind that would not serve any good any day.

The people of Ibadan deserve an apology from Your Excellency, our dearly beloved governor, for acting in such a manner.

If at all, the government has changed the statusquo, making it known, should be properly done by either yourself or your desk officers, in an official manner and at the appropriate time and venue, not the way it was carried it out.

Mr. Governor, your action ridiculed us in Ibadan, and we deserve an unreserved apology from you, sir.

Ogundipe is a journalist and former president, Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ )and Leader of IBILE G-7 GROUP. He writes from Abuja

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